Speaker Cable
For our flagship loudspeaker cable we use the highly regarded, multiple award winning noise-cancelling Lessloss cables, consisting of 288 individually insulated strands with a total conductive cross sectional area of 3.5 mm² per polarity.
We asked Lessloss to develop for us the perfected version of their already outstanding achievement, resulting in a performance that betters even the S2 by much. The S3 comes fully burnt-in, pre-aging the cable equivalent to several years of usage in your system!
moreThis is achieved by a different weaving geometry, now all conductors being in one and the same layer with equal distance to the center, allowing a near perfect 90° overlapping angle of the individual coils for near perfect noise cancellation:
C-MARC™ is a new type of Litz wire. C-MARC’s™ noise reduction is based on the bucking coil method using two counter-polarized coils. Every strand’s clock-wise turn aligns with a corresponding counter-clockwise turn of exactly mirrored diameter and step. The two resulting counter-polarized coils are mutually superposed. A second-scale fractal replication of the already bucking coils is then repeated. Through electrical cancellation of the induced noise, C-MARC™ provides an enormous signal-to-noise ratio in today’s demanding environment.
“…It’s a major understatement to just call it very good. I’ve had my fair share of expensive speaker cables in the past yet none exhibited the transparency, completeness, potency and balance as explicitly as Sven’s loaded C-MARC called S3. None was as effective on as many fronts as this one. That’s why it’s become my new benchmark to beat.“
Dawid Grzyb, HifiKnights.com
review appearing on 6moons.com
“…Es ist eine grosse Untertreibung zu sagen, dass dieses Produkt sehr gut klingt. Ich hatte in der Vergangenheit einiges an teuren Lautsprecherkabeln abbekommen, aber weder Transparenz, Vollständigkeit, Gesamtpotenz noch Ausgewogenheit wurden so explizit vorgeführt wie durch Sven’s C-MARC geladenes S3. Keines war an so vielen Fronten so effektiv wie dieses, und deshalb wurde das S3 zum Kabelmaßstab, den es zu schlagen gilt…”
Dawid Grzyb, HifiKnights.com
…Der Hallraum der Aufnahme erhält durch den Einsatz elektronischer Sounds einen Tiefensog, den ich mit der Kombination aus S3 und IC3 CG intensiver als je zuvor empfinde…
Falls es Ihrer Kette an Magie fehlen sollte – es könnte sein, dass die Boenicke-Kabel Ihnen den fehlenden Zauber bescheren…”
Amré Ibrahim, image hifi 6 / 2019
…If your system lacks enchantment, the Boenicke cables may give you the missing magic…”
Amré Ibrahim, image hifi 6 / 2019